I’m not gonna lie guys, I’ve been drinking a bit more wine than usual since the COVID-19 quarantine started… anybody else? If you’re in the same boat, then you’ll probably think this video is pretty hilarious. And every day is so similar that I’ve been desperate for some fun new ideas to keep things fresh. So I partnered with 90+ Cellars to create this easy DIY wine bag that can then be used for a blind tasting game… two new activities to spice things up a bit! So keep reading to check out my simple wine bag sewing tutorial and instructions for a blind tasting.

Here’s what you’ll need for your wine bag:
– 16×13″ piece of fabric (non-stretch, a heavy fabric works best)
– Coordinating thread
– Pins
– Measuring tape or ruler
– 13″ of 1.25″ wide ribbon
– 22″ of cotton rope
– Paper with a hole punched in top
– Marker
– Scissors
– Sewing machine (not pictured)
– Safety pin (not pictured)

Begin by cutting your fabric to size. 16×13″ works well for most types of wine… it’s wide enough for the chardonnay bottles while still fitting the narrower pinot grigios.

Next, pin the ribbon to the right side of the fabric. It should be positioned 5″ from the top of the 11″ side of the fabric. Tuck the end of the ribbon underneath as shown above, starting an inch down from the edge of the fabric. Satin ribbon is delicate, so I would recommend pinning along the seam line rather than perpendicular to it as you may normally do. Sew along each edge of the ribbon with a quarter inch seam allowance.

Hem the top edge of the fabric using a half inch seam allowance.

With right sides together, fold in half lengthwise so the hemmed edge runs along the top as shown above. Sew along the raw edge with a half inch seam allowance, and continue around the corner to sew along the bottom (the one remaining raw edge).

It should look like this.

Trim off the excess fabric, leaving about an eighth of an inch of fabric next to the seam.

Now it’s time to put your origami skills to work… pinch the areas on either side of the bottom seam and pull outward to form a diamond shape as shown above. Pin in place, and put a seam one inch from the corner, perpendicular to the bottom seam. Do the same on the opposite corner.

Trim off the excess triangle pieces. This creates a nice square bottom for the bag.

Flip it right side out and attach a safety pin to the end of the rope. Slip it through the casing area that you created (between the ribbon and the fabric) and bring it all the way through and out the other side.

Now if you’re making this as a gift bag, write a message on the card, pop in a bottle of wine and you’re ready to go. But if you’d like to play a little blind tasting game, make a couple more of these bags and give each one a different number.

I used different fabrics for mine, but if you really want to play a fair blind tasting game then you should make them all out of the same fabric so whoever puts the wine in the bags can’t cheat and memorize which wine went with which fabric 😉

Some of my favorite whites are these wines from 90+ Cellars:
Sauvignon Blanc
Pinot Grigio

So if you use those four wines, you can print out my tasting note cards that describe each one and use them for the game. Click the pink link below to simply open them in your browser, or click the PDF Tasting Notes button to download them to your computer as a PDF file. Cut them out and give one set to each person playing.

Taste each wine without opening the bag and place your tasting note cards next to the wines with which you think they correspond.

Whoever gets the most right wins! The prize is up to you 🙂

This is a fun way to pass the time with whoever you’re quarantined with during this bizarre time. And once this is all over, you can give the bags away as gifts!
Looking for more wine-related crafts? Check out my DIY tassel wine stoppers here and my wine cork plant markers here.

This wine bag sewing tutorial
was created in partnership with 90+ Cellars.
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