Funny Craft Memes That Are So Relatable

Funny Craft Memes That Are So Relatable /// By Design Fixation #funny #craft #memes #jokes #crafting

I love to make things. But I never have enough time to craft all the things I want to craft. And I also love to buy too many things at the craft store. And I’m sure I’m not alone! So for those of you who share my crafting obsession (or maybe it’s an all-out addiction at this point), here are a few of my favorite funny craft memes that will have you ROTFL. I share lots of them over on Instagram too, so be sure to follow along.

Funny Craft Memes That Are So Relatable /// By Design Fixation #funny #craft #memes #jokes #crafting

“I have way too much time to craft.” Said no one ever.

Me at the craft store…
“Should I buy this fabric?”
Head: No
Wallet: No
Craft room: Hell no
Me… “I’ll take 7 yards.”

Funny Craft Memes That Are So Relatable /// By Design Fixation #funny #craft #memes #jokes #crafting

Why buy it for $10 when I could make it for $79 worth of craft supplies?

Funny Craft Memes That Are So Relatable /// By Design Fixation #funny #craft #memes #jokes #crafting

I just wanna make nice things and drink wine.

Funny Craft Memes That Are So Relatable /// By Design Fixation #funny #craft #memes #jokes #crafting

Collecting craft supplies and actually crafting are two separate activities.

Funny Craft Memes That Are So Relatable /// By Design Fixation #funny #craft #memes #jokes #crafting
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