Here’s the secret to slaying those resolutions that you always make for yourself, but seldom accomplish: write them down. Draw them. Hang them up. Basically, make an attractive visual reminder that will help you accomplish your goals in the the new year.
One year I chose a single word to help me achieve my resolutions, and it was an approachable way of keeping my goals in mind at all times. And yes, I did a drawing of it… and it totally helped. So today I’m sharing 10 DIYs that will help you accomplish your goals this year.

1. Learn How To Make This Wall-Mounted Letter Board
I’m a huge fan of the letter board (case in point), so of course this sophisticated wall-mounted letter board wreath setup is totally tempting me. Check out the letter board tutorial here.

2. Make A DIY Resolution Garland
This is a creative idea… make a colorful garland out of geometric paper shapes that hold resolutions inside. Check out the fun video tutorial here.

3. Create Your Own DIY Desk Organizer
I’m guilty of desk clutter, and I’m guessing I’m not the only one. Here’s an easy DIY desk organizer that should improve the problem (and thereby help you focus on your goals rather than cleaning your office). Find the instructions here.

4. Make A DIY Resolution Reminder Bracelet
It can be difficult to accomplish your goals if you don’t have a constant reminder of them… so this bracelet is crafted with your resolutions in mind. Check out the how-to here.

5. Learn How To Craft A Cute Binder
Binders can be a handy way to get organized in work and in life… make yours super stylish so you’re more apt to use it! Check out the deets here.

6. Put Together A DIY Clothespin To-Do List
I love the idea of making mobile goal signs… so when you finish one, you can remove it or even move it do a “done” pile. This clothespin to-do list would be perfect for this. Find the instructions here.

7. Print Out This Free Coloring Calendar
A good calendar is key for staying organized in the new year, and why not get crafty with a coloring calendar? This one is free and oh-so-cute. Head over here to print it out.

8. Jump On The Bullet Journal Bandwagon
It’s been a trend for a while now, and with good reason… bullet journals are a great way to hold yourself accountable and get more creative all at once. Win win! Learn more about bullet journaling here.

9. Make A Micro Resolution Calendar
This handmade calendar is unique in that you give each month a small goal and then assign each day a tiny task that will help you accomplish that goal. Check out the easy tutorial here.

10. Set Up An Organized Command Center
A command center can help organize more than just mail… keep your finances in order, hang up calendars and yes – keep track of your goals! Learn more here.
Did you enjoy these tips on how to accomplish your goals in the new year? Check out my post called 10 Ways To Start The New Year Off Right for some more inspiring ideas.