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I don’t get quite as obsessed with decorating for Valentine’s Day as I do with other holidays, but I do love to put some pops of pink up around the house (the hubs loves it 🙂 ). This year I decided to do a heart-shaped take on the folded paper trees that I made for Curbly. These paper hearts are incredibly quick and easy to make, and they’re made with things you probably already have lying around the house! So let’s jump right in.


Begin by drawing an elongated heart on a piece of paper and cutting it out.

Next, fold the heart back and forth (like an accordion fold) until you get to the bottom.

Punch a hole through a couple of the folds, right in the center of the bottom part of the heart. Continue punching holes all the way up, using the previous hole as a guide so that you punch in a straight line.

Thread the skewer through the holes and pull the heart to the middle of the skewer. Adjust the folds a bit so they look even.

Carefully cut a wine cork in half using a sharp knife and poke the skewer into the cork, making sure that it stands up straight.

Trim a couple of inches off the top of the skewer with a pair of wire cutters and slide the heart to the top… and you’re finished!

I love these paper hearts because they’re super customizable… you could make larger versions of these using a dowel rod and a wooden base, or you could omit the base altogether and make tiny ones to be used as cupcake toppers!

These paper hearts look especially impressive as a set… so grab a couple of other paper colors and arrange a whole row of them on your mantel or shelf.
Looking for more paper-related DIYs? Check out some more:

And if you’re a video person, I’ve got that too! Check out a quick little YouTube tutorial that will get you rolling right away:
I’ll be doing lots more of these little video tutorials this year, so be sure to subscribe to my channel here. Happy Valentine’s Day friends!

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