Today Kacey Bradley has some helpful tips on how to transform your home office into a comfy sanctuary that will help you be more productive than ever. Take it away, Kacey!
Maybe you always wanted to telecommute, or perhaps your circumstances changed because of COVID-19. Either way, you want to create the ideal office space.
Your working environment is crucial to productivity — few people thrive in chaos, noise and clutter. Here are five factors to consider when creating a comfy office space.
1. Privacy
Protecting the privacy of your client’s information is crucial, and so is maintaining your professional reputation. If you share your home with others, you don’t want them catching glimpses of your half-clad roommate while in Zoom meetings.
What if you rent a shared space? Collective office setups are becoming more common as telecommuters seek a private place to work away from homeschooling children. You’ll want each room to have a door, and those in public buildings must conform to ADA requirements so that those who use wheelchairs and walkers can access the interior.

2. Lighting
The wrong lighting can make work a nightmare. Inadequate illumination can cause headaches from eye strain, and overhead fluorescents can trigger migraines in some. Neither condition is conducive to productivity.
If possible, go natural with your lighting. According to research performed by Professor Alan Hedge of Cornell University, workers sitting close to a window that optimized daylight were 2% more productive than those who did not. If possible, replace heavy curtains with gauzy versions or one-way window film that take advantage.
If you don’t have a window nearby, consider desk lamps that shine illumination where you need it most. It’s best to have several smaller lights throughout your office than a single overhead that is sometimes too bright or dark.
3. Ergonomics
Millions of Americans suffer from unnecessary chronic pain, often due to repetitive use injuries. To reduce this strain, please make your comfy office just that — you shouldn’t hurt at your desk.
Ensure your wrists stay aligned with your hands by using a towel or a pad for keyboard support. Your chair should allow your knees to bend at a 90-degree angle while your lumbar spine stays supported by the backrest.
Another option is to look into variable-height desks that let you move from standing to sitting throughout the day. You’ll burn more calories, and some users report decreased back pain.
4. Temperature
Have you ever tried to type with fingers blue from the cold? It isn’t easy. Fortunately, having a home office liberates you from the workplace thermostat wars.
However, you need to consider your office layout. If your room sits above the garage, you might freeze in the winter. Make sure you insulate the ceiling of the vehicle space below to stay comfier.
Likewise, if your home office has a south-facing exposure, it could become quite warm in the summer. Window film helps block heat and UV radiation.

5. Atmosphere
When you get to create your office, you can make it your haven. If you adore aromatherapy, go ahead and bring in a diffuser or two. Scents such as lemon and orange invigorate your senses, while lavender can help you relax after a grueling Zoom budget meeting.
Appeal to all your senses. What colors make you feel alive? Blue is a calming choice that helps you focus if you work in a sector like accounting or tax, whereas vibrant yellow often inspires creative types.
What fabrics do you like? If you’re a sucker for all things sherpa, a cozy throw keeps you warm on chilly mornings. Some people associate the smell and feel of leather with achievement.
When creating a comfy office space, your job is to make it uniquely yours. Think about the five things above, and you’re sure to design something that suits your needs to a T.
Kacey Bradley is the blogger behind The Drifter Collective, an eclectic lifestyle blog that expresses various forms of style through the influence of culture and the world around us. Kacey graduated with a degree in Communications while working for a lifestyle magazine. She has been able to fully embrace herself with the knowledge of nature, the power of exploring other locations and cultures, all while portraying her love for the world around her through her visually pleasing, culturally embracing and inspiring posts. Along with writing for her blog, she has written for sites like U.S. News, SUCCESS, Ruffled, and more!
Follow Kacey on Twitter and subscribe to her blog to keep up with her travels and inspiring posts!