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Recently I had the privilege of collaborating with seven other bloggers on a project called the Make It Challenge (inspired by the NBC show Making It). Here’s how it works: we all had to use the SAME material in a DIY project, and the item that we decided on was unfinished wood. I’m sharing links to everyone else’s creations at the end of my post. I decided to make triangular wooden wall hooks for our bathroom… keep reading to check out my tutorial!
Here’s what you’ll need for your DIY wall hooks:
- 3/8 inch diameter wooden dowel rod, 12 inches long
- 12 x 24 inch piece of wood
- Dremel Saw-Max (or other hand saw)
- Ruler
- Electric drill with philips head screwdriver bit
- Wood glue
- 3 screws with wall anchors
- White paint
- Colored craft paint
- Sandpaper
- Pencil
- 3/8 inch drill bit
- Foam paint brush
- Clamp (not pictured)
- Hammer (not pictured)
- 3 small nails or brads (not pictured)
Begin by marking off three 4 inch long sections of the dowel rod with a pencil. Cut them using your hand saw.
Draw irregular triangles on the 12 x 24 inch piece of wood. Three triangles should be larger (each side should be somewhere between 4 and 5 inches long) and the other three triangles should be smaller (each side between 3 and 4 inches long). Cut them with your hand saw. You may want to make a few extras so you can play around with different triangle combinations. Sand the edges of all of your cut pieces of wood.
Next arrange your piece the way you’d like them to look on the wall. Starting with the first set of two, put them on a piece of scrap wood and clamp them to your work surface. Drill down through the middle of both pieces with your 3/8 inch drill bit. Repeat this process for the other two sets of triangles.
Gently hammer a small nail or brad into the end of the first dowel rod; stop once it is securely inserted in the dowel, without going all the way through. Make sure the dowel is clamped to the table so it doesn’t slip while you’re hammering. Repeat this process for the other two dowels. The nail will prevent the things that you hang from slipping off the dowel.
Next, paint everything white. You may need two coats depending on what kind of paint you use. Let it dry and then paint the tips of the dowel rods (the ends with the nails in them) three different colors.
Once all of the paint is dry, it’s time to assemble your first hook. Slip the smaller triangle on the dowel and then apply glue to the bottom of the dowel and inside of the hole in the larger triangle. Slip the dowel into the hole in the large triangle. Do not glue the smaller triangle at this point… it will need to remain mobile so you can cover up the screw that will attach everything to the wall. Repeat this process for the other two hooks and let them dry.
Next, use a level and a piece of tape to find the right spot to mount them to the wall. Screw the first one to the wall, inserting the screw about an inch above the dowel and through the wall anchor. Twist the small triangle so that it covers the screw head and put a dab of glue between the triangles. Push it against the larger triangle. Repeat this process for the other two hooks, and you’re finished!
The finished product is so unique… you won’t find anything like this on Amazon 😉 It’s a fun way to add some character to your walls.
You can customize these DIY wall hooks in so many different ways… you might experiment with different shapes, colors or even arrangements – wouldn’t it look cool to have five or six of these clustered on an entryway wall?
And now it’s time to unveil the other seven bloggers’ creations! It’s been incredibly fascinating to see the range of projects that have come out of this challenge.
Here are links to the other projects (clockwise from top left):
ctrl + Curate – DIY Wood Plant Hooks
Bliss Makes – Wooden Mirror Shelf
Design Fixation (yours truly) – Triangular Wood DIY Wall Hooks
Spatial Dwelling – Handmade Toys
Paper & Stitch – DIY Peg Rail Organizer
Why Don’t You Make Me? – DIY Dowel Bed Bench
Delineate Your Dwelling – Wood Cutout Frame
The Beauty Dojo – DIY Wooden Plant Stands

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