Or shall I say porte d’Italia? The last time I traveled to Europe (for my honeymoon) I documented the doors of Paris… so I thought it would be fun to share all the beautiful doors of Italy that I stumbled upon during my recent trip.

I loved the aged, perfectly worn look that most of the doors had… it’s fun to imagine who has walked through them throughout the decades and centuries.

And those topiaries!! So many doors were flanked by potted plants… so I totally bought some for our front door the minute I was home lol. Check my Insta stories soon for updates 🙂

I loved the simplicity of this one… the metal locking mechanisms give it all the embellishment it needs. And would you look at that TINY DOOR inside of the door!

This was the entrance to our apartment at the Castello di Querceto winery near Greve In Chianti. Nice knockers, right?! 😉

This hidden gem was located in the Oltrarno neighborhood of Florence. I just adore the contrast of the white portico against the ornate wooden gates. I think it’s safe to say that this might be one of the most beautiful doors of Italy. Of the doors I saw anyway!

This was the adorable door next to our little villa in the mountain town of Loro Ciuffenna. More to come on this incredible agritourismo (which are basically bed and breakfast style accommodations on a farm), but you can get a sense of the beauty of the gardens here.

This was the lesser photographed side of the baptistry of St. John… but still so incredible.

This was somewhere in a tiny town in Tuscany… look at those geometric wooden panels!

Hope you guys enjoyed browsing through all of the beautiful doors of Italy that I shared with you… stay tuned for more dreamy scenes from my trip.