DIY Metallic Gold Branch Wreath

My door has been naked for months now, and I’ve been wanting to dress it up with something shiny and new. I’ve always liked the idea of combining different types of materials (i.e. wood and metal) so I thought I might try painting branches with metallic spray paint.

I was inspired by this wreath that I saw over at A Subtle Revelry:

Instead of adding fabric flowers, I created a strip of gold around the inside edge… satisfying my craving for a metallic finish. So here’s what you’ll need if you’d like to make your own:

  • styrofoam wreath form
  • branches
  • yarn
  • a sturdy paper plate
  • gold spray paint
  • plastic bags or newspaper
  • a glue gun
  • ribbon for hanging

First wrap your green yarn (or any color, really) around and around and around the wreath form until there is no styrofoam showing through. Glue the ends down with the glue gun. Next, cut half of your branches into 5″ lengths and and other half into 10″ lengths. Arrange them on plastic bags or newspaper so that the ends are all even on one side:

Then spray paint 3″ gold as shown above. Let them dry for 10 or 15 minutes, then turn them all over so you can get the unpainted sides that were on the bottom.

Next, cut the edge off of your paper plate. Mine happened to be gold already, but spray paint it gold if yours isn’t.

Then cut another hole in the middle of the plate so looks like the image below. Now it’s time to begin glueing your branches to the donut shaped plate. Align all of the gold ends of the branches to the inside edge of the “donut.” Alternate 5″ and 10″ sticks until you’ve covered the entire plate.

Last, glue the branch covered plate to the wreath form using your glue gun. Attach the ribbon to the back of the wreath, and voila! A beautiful metallic branch wreath for your front door.

The great thing about this color scheme is that it will transition well into the winter season. It doesn’t look overtly “Christmas-y” but it will be very festive once the holidays roll around. Let me know if you have any questions… happy crafting!

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